Friday, August 30, 2013

My top 3 faverite one piece arcs.

Number 3.   arlong arc/fishmen arc
i really felt emotional when reading this arc. It gave us all a insight about nami's past. And luffys moment where he saved nami. 

Number 2. the saboudy arc. 

I loved this arc so much. The reason why is the amount of characters presented. I think Eiichrio oda did an amazing job with the presentation of it as well. 
Just seeing characters 40 volumes earlier is awesome. Eiichrio oda not forgetting about his characters is a true fan service that not many mangaka's do. 


you're probably wondering why i have not picked more popular arcs such as the oh so popular marineford arc and the reason for that is because i am currently at volume 53 of one piece. My opinion will probably alter after i read the next 7 volumes of one piece. But until then this is my faverite arc and here's why. 
First of all the art and creativity in this arc is amazing. Not only does one of the most be loved characters leave ( being robin ) but also reveals her past. No matter how emotional or un-emotional you get you will or probably balled you eyes out after robins past was reveled. 
Eiichrio oda also did an amazing job depicting the amounts of effort the pirate crew did.
Overall i loved how luffy's crew did the impossible in this arc and gained their name's as one of the pirate's with the most bounties.
- thank you A. B. F.

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