Friday, August 30, 2013

MEGA EVOLUTION POKEMON ( my thoughts on nintendos leap )

                      okay. So chances art if you like manga/anime you love pokemon. Or at least you used to. 

Well... if you still don't have high hopes for the pokemon games then let me give you a little insight about what's up for pokemon fans : )

3D pokemon battles: We all knew that pokemon would eventually migrate to the ads system having better graphics and all that jazz. I have mixed thoughts about the new format. But i do give nintendo credit for taking the leap.

MEGA EVOLUTIONS : When i first discovered mega evolutions in x and y i was so MOTHER FUCKING EXITED. Some people believe it or not have mixed reviews about nintendo's rendition. Some of the evolution's were really unsuspecting to... For example we've got a Mega Blazikan, Mega absol, Mega kangaskhan,  Mega mewtwo,  Mega ampharos, Mega Mawile, and last but not least Mega lucario

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